Since 2022

Our Filo Story

Our journey began with a vision to revolutionize women’s health by focusing on empowerment, not just care. Rooted in a deep appreciation for female wellness and individuality, Filo is more than a brand; it’s a story of self-love and strength. Founded by, a mother-daughter duo, we started this company inspired by the love and experiences of our friends.

We believe in the importance of open conversations, whether it is with your daughter, partner, friend or doctor: no one should feel alone with their questions or challenges. There is always help and hope for improvement.

At Filo, we have created a range of products that transcend conventional health solutions and provide tools as unique as the women who use them. Each product reflects our commitment to quality, innovation and holistic wellness, ensuring your journey to pelvic floor health is nothing short of extraordinary.
- Kim and Paulien


  • Luxurious pleasure in a bottle: A Must-Have!

    I bought the Pleasure Oil from My Own Filo during a special offer at the Huishoudbeurs in Amsterdam. The name "Pleasure Oil" caught my attention, especially since I'm not a big fan of the term 'lubricant'. The lady at the stand explained that it's not exactly a lubricant, but that I could definitely use it for pleasure. The scent is incredible; it makes me feel luxurious and rich, and my partner enjoyed it too! It's not only pleasant to use, but really adds something special to our experience. I would definitely buy it again, but preferably when it's on sale. Highly recommended for anyone looking for something unique!

    - Elisa
  • Vaginismus and Filo

    Vaginismus was my biggest shame. For a long time I didn’t dare talk about it; I didn’t even know it had a name and thought there was something wrong with me. I’m now 27 years old, and until I was 24 I had never had a real boyfriend or experienced sex. I tried it once, but it was a disaster and didn’t work. I felt like a failure because all my friends had boyfriends and were sexually active. I found my passion in horses; I rode competitively and found my love in equestrian sports. That was until I met my current boyfriend three years ago. He happened to be transporting his sister’s horse trailer to a competition. I did everything I could to avoid him because I felt I wasn’t “normal”. But we built up mutual trust, and eventually I opened up about my problem. My boyfriend studied medicine and understood the body well; he encouraged me to seek medical help, and that’s when I discovered I had vaginismus – a condition I had never heard of before. It was probably caused by my strong pelvic floor muscles from years of horse riding. I started therapy and was introduced to My Own Filo’s Lupine, which I could also practice at home. My advice is always to talk to someone if you’re struggling—don’t just bear the frustration like I did for years. I got help, and now, even more amazingly, we’re expecting our first child in five months.

    - Sophie K.
  • From loneliness to joy

    Bey Bey loneliness, hello happiness—I think I’m going to cry. Yes, you read that right; I turned the famous Beatles lyric around because I was sad, and now I’m not. My husband passed away three years ago. I’m 76 and have no illusions about ever falling in love again or feeling the warmth of a man. But of course I still miss that warmth.

    My cousin surprised me with the Sun Flower and said she would understand if I threw it away. I felt a little embarrassed—I had never used anything like it before—but I decided to give it a try. It was a very pleasant feeling, one that touched me emotionally. My cousin was right; it actually made me happier. Apparently, using it helps release happy hormones by working certain muscles around the vulva.

    This is an urgent plea to all the widows out there: there is a way to make life a little more bearable. Just try. If I can do it, anyone can. I prefer not to give my name, but what I write comes straight from my heart.

    - Anonymous
  • My Personal Life Saver

    I am one of the lucky ones who was able to try the Tulip in collaboration with my doctor. After giving birth, I suffered from annoying pelvic floor problems that made me insecure and hesitant to participate in daily activities. It even led to a bit of depression. I was already in treatment and diligently doing all the recommended exercises, but experimenting with the Tulip accelerated my recovery considerably.

    I used the Tulip a lot at home, and I have to say it felt nice and even brought some joy in the process. I realize I have to keep training consistently, but that is a small price to pay compared to the crippling symptoms I had before. And yes, I am now almost completely free of my symptoms.

    The Tulip is not just recommended; it is a MUST HAVE. Please do not suffer in silence—these problems can easily be solved. The Tulip has truly been my lifesaver.

    - Anonymous