Filo Experts
Wij zijn er trots op een toegewijd team van specialisten te hebben dat zich inzet om een verschil te maken in het leven van vrouwen in elke levensfase.
We are privileged to have the support of a passionate and expert team of specialists. Together, we strive to make a difference in the lives of women at all stages of life. Meet the professionals who are committed to supporting women in understanding, exploring and embracing their bodies:
(Registered) Pelvic Physiotherapists: Our pelvic physiotherapists are specialized in understanding and treating the complex aspects of the pelvic area. They provide targeted care to prevent, treat and alleviate pelvic floor problems.
Medical Biologists: Our medical biologists contribute to a scientific approach to women's well-being. They are involved in research and development, and their expertise contributes to the creation of advanced tools and programs.
Tom van Dam, MSc
Dokter -
Eefje Engelen, MSc
Bekkenfysiotherapeut (geregistreerd) & Consulent Seksuele Gezondheid NVVS -
Lara Roels, MSc
Klinisch seksuoloog -
Santine Scholten, MSc/MEd
Medisch bioloog & Consulent Seksuele Gezondheid NVVS