Filo Experts
We are proud to have a dedicated team of specialists committed to making a difference in the lives of women at every stage of life.
We are privileged to have the support of a passionate and expert team of specialists. Together, we strive to make a difference in the lives of women at all stages of life. Meet the professionals who are committed to supporting women in understanding, exploring and embracing their bodies:
(Registered) Pelvic Physiotherapists: Our pelvic physiotherapists are specialized in understanding and treating the complex aspects of the pelvic area. They provide targeted care to prevent, treat and alleviate pelvic floor problems.
Medical Biologists: Our medical biologists contribute to a scientific approach to women's well-being. They are involved in research and development, and their expertise contributes to the creation of advanced tools and programs.
Tom van Dam, MSc
Dokter -
Eefje Engelen, MSc
Bekkenfysiotherapeut (geregistreerd) & Consulent Seksuele Gezondheid NVVS -
Lara Roels, MSc
Klinisch seksuoloog -
Santine Scholten, MSc/MEd
Medisch bioloog & Consulent Seksuele Gezondheid NVVS