Mar 03, 2025

Energy and Sexuality: The Power of Emotional Freedom

energie, seksualiteit, transformeren, Eefke Ooms

Today I followed an inspiring masterclass with Eefke Ooms, and I have to say: what a recommendation! Eefke takes you in a simple and clear way through her vision and methods around letting go of emotional blockages. She states that many physical and mental complaints arise from deep-rooted emotional blockages, and that tackling these can lead to lasting relief.

This got us thinking, especially when it comes to the relationship between energy and sexuality. Because what does this mean for our desires and feelings when it comes to intimacy? According to Eefke, our subconscious works 200 times faster than our conscious brain. This means that much of what we feel and experience in the area of sexuality and attraction is controlled by unconscious processes.

The Hidden Power of Our Subconscious

Sexuality is more than just physical attraction. It is an energy flow, a way in which we connect with ourselves and others. But if there are blockages in that energy flow—for example, due to fear, shame or unprocessed emotions—it can lead to frustration, insecurity or even physical complaints.

Eefke's method focuses on detecting and transforming these blockages. By working on a deeper level, you can let your own energy flow more freely, which not only affects your physical well-being, but also your intimate relationships.

What does this mean for your intimacy?

If our subconscious has so much influence on our sexual and emotional well-being, how can we be more conscious about it? Here are some insights we take away from the masterclass:

  1. Listen to your body – Often your body tells you much more than you are consciously aware of. Tension, pain or a feeling of relaxation can be indications of underlying emotions.

  2. Explore your beliefs – What are your thoughts about sexuality and intimacy? Are these yours, or have you adopted them from your upbringing or society?

  3. Practice letting go – Using techniques like breathing exercises, movement and conscious touch, you can release stuck emotions and create more space for connection.

The road to more freedom

Energy and sexuality are inextricably linked. The more freedom you experience in your energy, the freer you feel in your sexuality. This means not only enjoying more intimate moments, but also a deeper connection with yourself and your own desires.

Eefke Ooms' masterclass has shown us that true transformation begins with acknowledging and feeling what lives within us. When we give our subconscious space and clear blockages, we can truly stand in our full power—mentally, physically and sexually.

We are curious: what does energy and sexuality mean to you? Have you ever experienced how emotional blockages affect your intimate relationships? Share your thoughts with us!

Do you have any questions after reading this blog? Don't keep them to yourself and let us know. Or seek help if you experience problems.

Want to know more about Eefke's approach? Then her masterclass is definitely recommended!