
For the sake of clarity, My Own Filo points out the following with regard to the website www.myownfilo.com and the newsletters it sends:

The website, the newsletters and all parts thereof, with the exception of certain (hyper) links, are the property of My Own Filo. It is not permitted to publish, copy or store the site, newsletters or parts thereof without the express written permission of My Own Filo. This permission is not required for personal, non-commercial use.

The information shown on this website and in these newsletters is compiled by My Own Filo with constant care and attention. Nevertheless, it is possible that information published on the site and in the newsletters is manifestly incorrect, for which My Own Filo accepts no liability.

The information on the website and in the newsletters is regularly supplemented and/or amended. My Own Filo reserves the right to make any changes with immediate effect and without any notice.