Our personal Filo online diary for you to explore. We have a lot of different topics we would love to share information about. Educational, informative or inspiring topics. We would like you to know everything there is to know about you as a woman, your body and our mission at Filo. Besides us sharing stories with you, we also make space for our Filo members and invite you to share your story with us (this can also be anonymously if you prefer), but let us all help each other by sharing.

We have received several inspiring stories from woman on different topics that you can find on the blog pages. We will start sharing the introduction stories of our team of experts, who support Filo in different ways and we start with, introducing our doktor Tom and more stories will follow from our gynecologist,
psychologist, sexologist, educational expert and health and life style coach. But if you have any questions for them do not hesitate to ask your through our Facebook group or the website!

We will keep you updated on news, new products and
developments, as well as information on specific topics that might interest you. Of course we will start sharing user experiences as soon as possible and will keep updating these.

Enjoy reading…

intimacy, alcohol, sober, soberty in love

Intimacy without alcohol: embracing sobriety in...

Intimacy is one of the most beautiful aspects of human relationships. It connects two people on a profound level, strengthens emotional bonds, and provides a sense of security and love....

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Intimacy without alcohol: embracing sobriety in...

Intimacy is one of the most beautiful aspects of human relationships. It connects two people on a profound level, strengthens emotional bonds, and provides a sense of security and love....

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weightloss, weight loss, orgasm, My own filo

"Orgasms and weight loss: unlocking the pleasur...

  In the quest for shedding pounds and achieving a healthier lifestyle, there's an often overlooked secret weapon: orgasms. Yes, you heard it right! Beyond the sheer pleasure they provide,...

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"Orgasms and weight loss: unlocking the pleasur...

  In the quest for shedding pounds and achieving a healthier lifestyle, there's an often overlooked secret weapon: orgasms. Yes, you heard it right! Beyond the sheer pleasure they provide,...

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closingvulva, treatments, hormonalfluctuations

Closing of the vulva opening: causes, consequen...

  The vulva, the external part of the female genitalia, is a complex and sensitive area that can experience various health issues. One of these issues is the closing of...

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Closing of the vulva opening: causes, consequen...

  The vulva, the external part of the female genitalia, is a complex and sensitive area that can experience various health issues. One of these issues is the closing of...

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sattisfyer, intimate moments, relationships

Neglecting your love life: Why It's important t...

  Recently, Goedele Liekens appeared as a guest on the television program VI, discussing the use of sex toys. Her stance wasn't overtly negative, but it wasn't entirely positive either....

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Neglecting your love life: Why It's important t...

  Recently, Goedele Liekens appeared as a guest on the television program VI, discussing the use of sex toys. Her stance wasn't overtly negative, but it wasn't entirely positive either....

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