Dickpics: what they are and how to handle them

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Dickpics: what they are and how to handle them

Dickpics, or unsolicited photos of male genitalia, are a much-discussed topic in today's digital society. Although often seen as humorous or taboo, they can have serious implications for those who receive them. In this blog, we'll explore what dickpics are, why men send them, their possible intentions, and how to react if you receive them unsolicited. We'll also address what to do if your partner sends these photos to spice up your relationship, and what to do with these photos if the relationship ends.

What are dickpics and why do men send them?

Dickpics are photos of male genitalia, often sent unsolicited through digital platforms such as SMS, social media, or dating apps. The reasons men send dickpics can vary:

  1. Seeking validation: Some men send dickpics to receive compliments or validation about their bodies.
  2. Sexual arousal: For some men, sending a dickpic is a form of sexual excitement.
  3. Power display: Dickpics can sometimes be a way to exert power and control, making the recipient uncomfortable.
  4. Misguided flirting: Some men mistakenly believe that sending a dickpic is a way to attract or entice the recipient.

How to react if you're not okay with receiving dickpics

If you receive an unsolicited dickpic, there are several ways to respond:

  1. Block the sender: This is the most direct way to prevent further unwanted photos.
  2. Report the content: Many social media and messaging platforms have options to report inappropriate content. This helps not only you but can also prevent others from having the same experience.
  3. Communicate clearly: Let the sender know that you are not okay with receiving such photos. Be clear and assertive.
  4. Seek support: If receiving dickpics causes you discomfort or stress, talk about it with friends, family, or a professional.

What if your boyfriend sends dickpics to spice up your relationship?

When a partner sends dickpics as a way to add excitement to the relationship, it can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the relationship dynamic and mutual consent:

  1. Communicate your boundaries: Let your partner know what you are comfortable with. Open communication is crucial.
  2. Mutual consent: Ensure that both partners are comfortable with exchanging such photos. If one of you feels uncomfortable, this should be respected.
  3. Privacy and trust: Discuss how you will handle the privacy of these photos, especially if the relationship ever ends.

What to do with dickpics after a breakup

If your relationship ends and you have dickpics of your ex, it’s important to handle these photos responsibly:

  1. Delete the photos: It's best to delete these photos out of respect for your ex-partner's privacy and to free yourself from any negative reminders.
  2. Avoid revenge porn: Distributing intimate photos without consent is illegal and morally wrong. Always respect others' privacy, even after a breakup.
  3. Communicate if necessary: If you feel uncomfortable having the photos, you can discuss this with your ex-partner and agree to delete them together.


Dickpics can have various intentions and effects depending on the context and the relationship between the sender and the recipient. If you receive these photos unsolicited, it’s important to clearly communicate your boundaries and take steps to protect yourself. In a relationship, open communication and mutual consent are crucial when exchanging intimate photos. And after a breakup, it's important to handle the privacy and confidentiality of such images responsibly. By following these do's and don'ts, you can deal with dickpics in a way that is respectful to both yourself and others.

If you have any unanswered questions or concerns, don't hesitate to consult a professional healthcare provider. They can provide guidance and information to help ensure your experience is safe and respectful. If you ever feel unsafe or threatened, seek help immediately. Don't keep it to yourself and take steps to prevent becoming a victim.