Aug 07, 2024

Less sex

less sex, flame alive, selfesteem

Less Sex After Health Issues: How to keep the flame alive

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but when your partner faces health issues like heart failure, the downs can feel particularly challenging. One of the areas often affected is your sexual relationship. What happens between the sheets when confidence in one’s body takes a hit? How do you cope with it? Let's explore the possibilities together.

What happens?

Health problems such as heart failure can significantly impact your partner’s self-esteem. This doesn’t just manifest in daily life but also in the bedroom. Your partner might be afraid of physical exertion, feel constantly fatigued, or no longer find themselves attractive. This can lead to a reduced interest in sex or even anxiety about engaging in sexual activity.

How do you deal with it?

  1. Talk about it: Communication is crucial. Have an open conversation with your partner. Ask how they feel, what their fears and concerns are. Let them know you understand their vulnerability and that you are there to support them.

  2. Be patient and understanding: Understand that your partner needs time to adjust to their new situation. Don’t rush anything. It’s about making them feel safe and loved.

  3. Seek professional help: A sex therapist or relationship counselor can help navigate this new phase in your life. They can provide tools and techniques to rebuild trust and intimacy.

What is the impact?

The impact of less sex can be significant, both emotionally and physically. It can lead to feelings of frustration, insecurity, and even guilt. But remember, it’s a process that takes time. With the right approach and support, intimacy can gradually return.

Can the flame be rekindled?

Absolutely! Here are a few tips to reignite the flame:

  1. Remove the pressure: Sex doesn’t always have to mean penetration. Explore other forms of intimacy like cuddling, massaging, or just being close to each other.

  2. Plan time for each other: Make time for romantic evenings or weekends away. Rediscovering each other’s company can do wonders for intimacy.

  3. Stay physically active: While heavy exertion may not be possible, light activities like walking hand in hand, dancing in the living room, or a gentle yoga session can help strengthen your bond.

  4. Use humor: Laughter and fun are powerful tools to reduce stress and bring you closer together. Watch a funny movie or make silly jokes. It can lighten the mood and make both of you feel more at ease.

  5. Build self-confidence: Help your partner feel attractive and loved again. Small compliments and positive affirmations can make a big difference.


Health issues like heart failure can have a significant impact on sexuality within a relationship. Confidence in one’s body can be damaged, affecting what happens between the sheets. But with patience, understanding, and communication, you can overcome these challenges together. Remember, love and intimacy come in many forms. With time and dedication, the flame can certainly reignite.

So, focus on what truly matters and let love bloom anew. Sometimes the path to rediscovery is fraught with obstacles, but together you can overcome anything. The key is to be patient, communicate, and never lose hope.