Jul 03, 2023

Sexual poverty

Sexual poverty
Sexual poverty

She had never had an orgasm, thought she was ugly, fat and stupid. In addition, her friendships were fleeting and she also hated her work. With these words she immediately burst into tears.

At My Own Filo we hear many harrowing stories about the bitter poverty between the sheets. The negative self-image that is increasing, especially among younger women. Uncertainty and ignorance also play a major role. These are shocking stories and also numbers if we believe the studies.

We believe that every woman deserves to love herself, to love herself and above all to never see herself as a consolation prize but as the main prize.

Don't hang your head and talk... you don't have to fight this battle alone. We at My Own Filo are happy to listen to you and perhaps we can help you. Do not hesitate and let us know if we can do anything for you.

Love from team Filo