Jun 18, 2024

When it all becomes too much: The reality of Pelvic Floor issues in men

prostate cancer, pelvic floor men

In our society, we often discuss physical and mental health, but certain topics remain taboo. One of these topics is pelvic floor health in men. Often associated with women, men can also experience severe issues, particularly after illnesses like prostate cancer. It is essential to recognize and address these problems so that men feel supported and can receive the help they need.

Prostate Cancer and Its Aftermath

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. The journey from diagnosis through treatment and recovery can be overwhelming. During treatment, many men fight with an extraordinary primal strength to get through this incredibly tough time. However, what is often less discussed is the period after being declared cancer-free.

When you are officially declared cured, it is often expected that you will resume normal functioning. But for many men, the real challenge begins at this point. You have to rediscover your body and learn to trust it again. This can be both emotionally and physically taxing.

Pelvic Floor Problems

Pelvic floor problems can have various causes and are sometimes a consequence of treatments for prostate cancer. Issues can range from incontinence and erectile dysfunction to chronic pelvic pain. These problems can significantly impact your daily life and self-esteem.

The Importance of Recovery

It is crucial to give your body time to recover. This is easier said than done. After an intense medical journey, you often want to quickly return to your old life, but your body needs time. This can lead to feelings of frustration, sadness, and sometimes even depression. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and be open about them.

How to Cope with These Problems?

  1. Communication: Talk about your feelings and problems with your partner, a good friend, or a specialist. Sharing your experiences can significantly help in processing what you have been through.

  2. Specialist Help: Consider seeking help from a physiotherapist who specializes in pelvic floor issues. They can teach you exercises and techniques to strengthen and better control your pelvic floor muscles.

  3. Mental Health: It is essential to also work on your mental health. A therapist can help you deal with the emotional impact of your recovery.

  4. Patience and Self-Care: Be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time, and it is important to take good care of yourself. Take time to rest, eat healthily, and try to exercise regularly.


Pelvic floor problems in men are a serious and often overlooked issue, especially after illnesses like prostate cancer. It is important to recognize these problems, discuss them, and seek help. By being open about your experiences and accepting help, you can take steps towards better physical and mental health.

If you are struggling with these issues, know that you are not alone. Talk about it, seek help, and give yourself time to recover. Your body and mind will thank you.